The Meaning Extractor

by Chris Pollett

Guz start images/guz_entropy_dalle.webp


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Guz Entropy a meaning extractor.

Guz Entropy at work
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0

Invest in the Future

Radio Telescopes
Allocate Guz's brain to extract meaning from the universe!
Available Brain Space: ${loc('allocate').funds}
Meaning Type
Harvest Meaning

Meaning Meal

Radio Telescopes

Guz didn't allocate any brain space. So he didn't extract any meaning. No worries!

Guz didn't allocate most of his brain. To extract meaning, Guz, you have to invest!

Guz sings as he digests the meaning he receives from the universe:


Guz didn't allocate all of his brain. Don't worry Guz, there's plenty of meaning for the next collector!

Guz sings as he digests the meaning he receives from the universe:


Guz's brain has been well-allocated for meaning collection. Good job!

Guz sings as he digests the meaning he receives from the universe:


...the universe will now extract meaning from Guz.

Meaning from Guz

Radio Telescopes

The universe processes how much information Guz tried to learn. It registers the kinds of meaning Guz sought. It detects difference between these and how other meaning extractors have behaved and extracts:

${meaningFromGuz()} meaning extractor units.

The universe can still extract more meaning from you, Guz.

Reallocate Guz's brain, so that the Universe can learn more!

if (args[0]) { game.saveLoadSlot(args[0]); } if (args[0]) { game.deleteSlot(args[0]); } game.deleteSlotAll();; game.load(); game.reset();