Class: Location


Encapsulates one place that objects can be in a Game.


new Location()



present :Array

An array of [check_condition, staging, is_else, text_to_present] tuples typically coming from the x-present-tag's in the HTML of a Location.
  • Array

visited :int

Number of times main-character has visited a location
  • int


evaluateCheckConditionStaging(condition, staging) → {Array}

Evaluates the condition in a ck or else-ck attribute of an x-present tag.
Name Type Description
condition string contents from a ck, check, else-ck, or else-check attribute. Conditions can be boolean conditions on game variables. If an x-present tag did not have a ck attribute, condition is null.
staging string contents from a stage attribute. If no such attribute, this will be an empty string. Such an attribute could have a sequence of pause(some_millisecond); and clickProceed(some_string) commands
[check_result, proceed, pause] if the condition involved a boolean expression, then check_result will hold the result of the expression (so the caller then could prevent the the display of an x-present tag if false), proceed is the link text (if any) for a link for the first clickProceed (which is supposed to delay the presentation of the x-present tag until after the user clicks the link) if found (else ""), pause (if non zero) is the number of milliseconds to sleep before presenting the x-present tag according to the condition


Prepares input, textareas, and select tags in the game so that they can bind to game Object or Location fields by adding various Javascript Event handlers. An input tag like binds with the name field of the bob game object (i.e., obj(bob).name). In the case above, as the default type of an input tag is text, this would produce a text field whose initial value is the current value obj(bob).name. If the user changes the field, the value of the obj changes with it. This set up binds input tags regardless of type, so it can be used with other types such as range, email, color, etc.

prepareSection(section) → {string}

A given Location contains one or more x-present tags which are used when rendering that location to the game-content area. This method takes the text from one such tag, interpolates any game variables into it, and adds to any x-speaker tags in it the HTML code to render that speaker bubble (adds img tag for speaker icon, etc).
Name Type Description
section string text to process before putting into the game content area.
resulting HTML text after interpolation and processing

(async) renderPresentation()

Used to display a description of a location to the game content area. This description is based on the x-present tags that were in the x-location tag from which the Location was parse. For each such x-present tag in the order it was in the original HTML, the ck/else-ck condition and staging is first evaluated once/if the condition is satisfied, staging is processed (this may contain a delay or a clickProceed call), then the HTML contents of the tag are shown. In the case where the ck or else-ck evaluates to false than the x-present tag's contents are omitted. In addition to the usual HTML tags, an x-present tag can have x-speaker subtags. These allow one to present text from a speaker in bubbles. An x-present tag may also involve input tags to receive/update values for x-objects or x-locations.